Broadband Network
AVFN is building a middle-mile fiber optic broadband network that expands on the infrastructure of a pre-existing middle-mile network owned by Parker FiberNet, a member of AVFN. The network will consist of a large fiber ring spanning the Georgia portion of the network, with seven nodes located in the most populous areas, and terminating points in Atlanta and Chattanooga. The nodes will be supplemented with points of presence (POP), including multiple smaller POPs to satisfy demand for connectivity. Additional network redundancies and bandwidth will be created through construction of three sub-loops. A pre-existing data center in Rome will be expanded into a fiber hotel/collocation facility for northwest Georgia and northeast Alabama.
Network Core
The composition of AVFN is a middle mile and core/backhaul network with strategic alliances including several existing last mile network partner/customers. The primary service area includes 9 counties in Northwest Georgia and 350 route miles of fiber infrastructure. Community Anchor institutions include County Governments, Municipal Governments, public safety, emergency service, public schools, healthcare providers, Georgia Northwestern Technical College, Berry College, Shorter College and a variety of business customers and local telecom companies.
The core consists of the in-kind network of Parker FiberNet, partner in AVFN, which includes existing Indefeasible Right of Use (IRU) agreements and leased services including a fiber ring and network extending from the Atlanta Internet Exchange at 56 Marietta to Chattanooga, Tennessee and covering Northwest Georgia. Additionally the network will provide customer support within and from outside of region with connectivity to alternate “Carrier Hotels” and offer unprecedented interstate redundancy to this region. The network will also provide intrastate availability and service along the I-20 corridor from Georgia to Anniston, Alabama with the long term goal of a fiber backbone extending from Atlanta to Birmingham.
Network Data Center
AVFN is also providing a regional data center in Rome, Georgia. This is a hardened facility for secure disaster recovery, collocation and data one router hop premier internet service and inter-region point to point and point to multi point connectivity for multi location business locations. This capability will provide a high capacity, redundant fiber network and meet the business demand for new and existing business, healthcare providers, municipal governments, technical colleges and public schools. The AVFN model is validated by the Tech Smart Study, Northwest Georgia Regional Development Authority, Northwest Georgia Regional Commission and other regional economic development officials. This system utilizes existing networks in Northwest Georgia to expand and extend the fiber middle mile infrastructure to a large portion of Northwest Georgia providing a proven and affordable telecommunication asset for the region. By leveraging the existing Parker FiberNet Network construction cost efficiency is compounded with a low cost per construction and lit mile and a proven business model for network management.
Network Connectivity
AVFN is using SONET connectivity and Wave Division Multiplexing to allow for efficient growth and future expansion of the middle-mile network. Border Gateway Protocol will be the core Internet product, peered with multiple tier 1 Internet providers. Telepohony will be supported by three independent switch providers and multiple connections to AT&T. These technology solutions present a compelling case for extremely high speed, scalable and dependable broadband capabilities.
AVFN is utilizing Regional Point of Presence (POP) locations as well as a centralized POP facility in the Rome, Georgia Regional Data and Colocation Facility. The network design untilizes POPs located strategically throughout the area served.
Parker FiberNet currently supports electronics utilized in the deployment of all planned fiber middle mile and existing last mile infrastructure.
Network Neutrality
AVFN encourages third party, last mile providers to utilize the network. The carrier neutral AVFN Network model will serve as a catalyst for service providers and the expansion of service to the region with affordable access for service providers and larger corporations.